

Also knowns as psychics or psions, Mentalists have the abillity to manipulate the mind and maximize the power of their own. Many refuse to admit their powers even exist but when given the chance they will prove that reality is far stranger than fiction. However mental powers require tremendous concentration to develope,making each mentalist very specialized. Mental powers may be affected by lack of sanity. Only humans can become Mentalists. Due to the extensive training required in developing mental powers, the abillities of a mentalist are much like magic and thus this class can not be paired with a combat class.


Hypnosis: It's a trick of the mind used by occultists to place a willing or very weak minded subject into a trance. Its primary use is to gather information, help restore sanity, and an added side effect that those whom are under a curse or infected by vampirism can't transform while in a trance.

Telepathy: The most well known use of mental powers. Telepathy requires growing one's abillities though and is difficult to master. At the beginning a mentalist can only transmit thoughts of their own to others or recieving thoughts specificly meant for him/her to know from willing subjects. Useful for keeping a conversation private.

After one quest telepathy becomes true mind reading in which a mentalist can read unguarded thoughts from humans whom are not mentalists occultists, magic users, or swordsmen whom are meditating.

After two quests memories and subconcious thoughts can be pried into. If telepathic powers are developed however kinesis can not be developed beyond the initial level at activation. Further questing will steadilly increase the power of telepathy to get through guarded minds. Telepathy however can only grow when specificly devoted to. Developing kinesis will prevent telepathy from going beyond its initial state.

Kinesis: After one quest a weak form of kinesis is unlocked. From there it is up to the mentalist to decide how to advance this power.

It can become Telekinesis the remote movement of objects, or pyrokinesis the control and creation of spontaneous flame. However a mentalist can only have ONE kind of kinesis. Increasing the power of kinesis will permanantly halt the increase in the power of telepathy.

power increases with more quests.

At activation:

Tele-move around smaller objects that could be held in a single hand or influence the movements of already moving objects.

Pyro-Existing flames can be manipulated.

power up 1-

Tele- move medium sized objects. Up to 20 lbs can be moved along a surface or objects smaller lifted into the air.

Pyro-flame can be generated spontaneously with some concentration but only on an object.

power up 2

Tele- move heavy objects. up to 50lbs can be moved through the air, or two smaller objects.

Pyro- flame can be generated spontaneously in mid air.

Power up 3

Tele- move very heavy objects. Things up to 100lbs can be lifted into the air or numerous smaller objects.

Pyro - large explosions can be spontaneously created. Power Up 4
,br> Tele-Objects as heavy as 150lbs can be moved.

Pyro-The power of fire can be fully controlled and manipulated freely anywhere within the view of the mentalist.

Power up 5

Tele-Near cosmic awakening level of abillity to manipulate the movement of matter. The only limitation are the limits of the mentalists own energy. Overexhertion though could put the mentalist into a coma.

Pyro-Total Control over thermodynamics. A mentallist becomes totally aware of heat on the atomic level, gaining the abillity to increase, decrease, or move all the heat in an object at will. Remember overexertion could leave the mentalist in a coma.

Kinesis however is not free. It requires exherting mental effort which strains the individual just as would physical effort, and can tire out a person, make them sleepy and/or hungry. Kinesis can not be directly used against a living creature.

All Rounder:
This ability is not available at the outset. It is obtained by purchasing the book "mind expansion" in the black market, and reading for two days in RP. The All rounder, lifts the exclusive restrictions between the two kinesis as well as telepathy. When the All rounder is applied a mentalist will be able to use Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis, and Telepathy. However this limits all three to being able to level up twice. Kinesis must still be unlocked by questing. Tele and Pyro must be unlocked separately.


Mental guard: Mentalists are imune to tellepathy and hypnosis unles they are willing. In the event a powerful telepath tries to get into the mind of a guarded Mentalist the number of quests completed will determine the victor. The attacking telepath must be at least 2 levels higher than the defender to get in.

Precognition: While mentalists can't normally see the future in specifics they subconciously pick up on events before they actually happen. Even though the mentalist himself isn't aware of this they appear to have very fast reaction time.

Aura: Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes it isn't but mentalists produce a very strong aura, due to the amount of psionic energy they put out. It helps in some places but tends to make them tempting targets for those who feed on the life of humans.

Extra Planar sense: Much like Occultists mentalists can sense the supernatural and comunicate with ghosts as well as sense the flow of magic.
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