

Sorerers are individuals who take a different approach to magic. Unlike those who spend years learning magic, Sorcerers are born with a natural abillity to manipulate magical energy. Since Sorcerers manipulate magic in its raw form, their powers are primarily offensive. The birth of a sorcerer though tends to be covered up by the family as it means, more than likely, that there was a user of learned magic in the family line. A sorcerer uses magic in a vastly different method from a witch or Warlock. Rather than envoking spirits a Sorcerer manipulates pure magical energy through force of will. Sorcery is not a tallent that can be learned it is a gift which a few individuals are born with. When starting a sorcerer should choose a default magical alignment which they start with and, when dispelling their current alignment, will return to. The power of a sorcerer increases with use. Just how it increases and how much is determined at the end of a quest. See the magic systm for more information.


Magical bolt: Summoning a sphere of magical energy and throwing it at an enemy. The simplest form of sorcery. This can be done with ones own magical energy or the latent energy of the environment. See magic guide for more information.

Magical Beam: Far more potent than a magical bolt, the magical beam fires off a continuously flowing attack. Unfortunately it's an all or nothing attack. It needs at least 20% of the sorcerer's body energy to start and continues to fire until the whole of the caster's energy has been consumed at the rate equal to the starting capacity per second. Consumption=Starting capacity X time. (C=sc*T). Obviously this abillity is not available from the outset. It becomes available when casting capacity has increased to at least 20%. The sorcerer if they have the abillity can activate the beam with more than 20% for a more powerful but shorter beam if they choose. After the spell is cast the sorcerer is left exhausted and drained of magic.

Magical blast: Summoning a large amount of magical energy a shockwave spreading out from one's self can be generated. Though its range is less than a magical bolt it is omni directional. Useful when one is besieged from all sides. (this spell is not available from the outset. It is earned after completing one quest in which magical bolt is used.)

Magical Ward: Drawing a circle of magical energy creates a ward. As long as the ward is of dominant power and alignment enemies can not enter. This also changes the alignment of the ambient magical energy inside the ward.

Magical Shield: A more advanced form of Magical Ward a Sorcerer can cocentrate the energ around themself to put up a wall of magical energy, that will offer defense against attacks both magical and physical. However it still has the same properties as a ward. (This spell is not available from the outset. It becomes available after finishing one quest in which magical ward is used.)

Alignment Change: By absorbing ambient magical energy of the environment to 100% a sorcerer changes their own magical alignment. This will cause their spells to all be of this alignment. See magic guide for information on absorption. Even if the energy is used up it will continue to replenish naturally as the body's own energy in this alignment until it's dispelled.

Enchant: A sorcerer can enchant an object by pouring magical energy into it. This gives that object magical power temporarilly. Very useful on weapons.

Dispel: A sorcerer can only dispel his/her own spells. This is used to undo wards, enchantments, shields and other spells or return ones own alignment to default.

Specialization: With extensive training a sorcerer will be able to specialize in one particular magical alignment, allowing him or her to utilize the associated effects of that alignment normally existing only in witchcraft. However this is not immediately available and has multiple requirements. First of all a sorcerer must have already competed at least one quest. Second a book must be purchased in order to learn the secret techniqe, then the sorcerer must spend one week (game time) RPing the reading of this book. Once specialization has been unlocked the sorcerer must choose the alignment to specialize in. This will be permanant and will become the sorcerer's new default alignment as well. This will also slightly decrease the sorcerer's effectiveness in casting other alignments.

Magic Management: Most important to all sorcerers is managing their magical energy. It's necessary to make sure they always have the energy available to cast.

A sorcerer has two sources of magic energy, Internal and Latent. Internal energy is the magical energy contained within the sorcerer's body. It can be accessed quickly allowing for very fast casting. All spells cast with internal energy will have the same allignment as the sorcerer's body. This is normally the sorcerer's default allignment (see qualities), unless the sorcerer has done an allignment change, or has been enchanted. A magic user's internal energy is measured in percentage, at the beginning 100%. This number is called "Body Capacity" and will increase with questing. A sorcerer can change the amount of power in a spell by using more or less of the sorcerer's internal energy. At the outset a sorcerer can use a maximum of 10% of their energy in one spell. This number is reffered to as "Casting Capacity", and will increase with questing. Recharging your internal energy comes naturally. Whenever a sorcerer is not casting they are recharging at a rate of 1% per second. So in one minute without casting a sorcerer would regain 60% of his or her internal energy.

Latent energy is the magical energy in the environment around the sorcerer. Latent casting is different from internal casting in four ways.
It will only have the allignment of the magical energy of the area.
It has no limit to how much you can cast.
It is not instant, you will need to charge up a spell at the rate of 1% per 1 second. Your casting capacity with latent energy is double, that of your internal casting capacity. So if you're casting capacity is 10% you can cast a 20% latent spell.

A sorcerer should keep track of two stats in his or signiture. Internal Capacity and Casting Capacity. Questing will increase one, the other, or both in proportion to how much the sorcerer uses them. If a sorcerer expends a large amount of internal energy frequently then internal capacity will go up. If a sorcerer casts large spells frequently, then casting capacity will increase. Latent spells increase casting capacity more than internal ones.


Magical vision: A Sorcerer can see the flow of magical energy through the air and always knows the alignment and power of ambient magical energy. This same sense is used to detect enemies with an alignment nearby. Default Alignment: A sorcerer has a natural alignment prefference which they will naturally return to once their alignment is dispelled. Choose this at the outset and please keep it in your sig.

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